Partnering with
business owners who want hands-on support
For clients that value financial expertise
We want to understand your why and what drives you in your business goals.
We want to partner with business owners who want hands-on support to help you create the business of your dreams.
Our trained and certified tax professionals work diligently to find the best outcome we can on your tax issues.
Tax Optimizer
Our Tax Optimizer package is tailored for small service businesses with an established, accurate bookkeeping system. This comprehensive package covers all aspects of tax management including business and personal income tax preparation, quarterly estimated taxes, annual business entity maintenance filings, 1099 preparation, and assistance with IRS correspondence. Clients benefit from monthly newsletters, semi-annual tax planning meetings, and unlimited email support for year-round tax inquiries. Perfect for those who seek to avoid tax-time surprises, maximize savings, and receive expert guidance on estimated tax obligations. Join us to ensure your financial peace of mind and seamless tax compliance.
Financial Edge
The Financial Edge package is an all-encompassing solution for small businesses aiming to achieve financial excellence. Building on the foundation of the Tax Optimizer package, Financial Edge includes full-service bookkeeping support, monthly management reports, and unlimited email support for both tax and bookkeeping inquiries. Designed for clients who find bookkeeping challenging and ready to delegate these tasks to our dedicated professionals, this package offers valuable insights into financial information, helping you make informed decisions. With the added benefit of "limited" audit representation, Financial Edge ensures not only tax efficiency but also peace of mind throughout the year. Elevate your financial management and steer clear of tax time surprises with this comprehensive package.
Business Partner Plus
Our pinnacle service, the "Business Partner Plus" package, is crafted for ambitious small service businesses seeking unparalleled support and strategic direction for their growth journey. Building upon the comprehensive offerings of the Financial Edge package, Business Partner Plus introduces quarterly tax planning meetings, monthly financial advisory calls, and VIP email and telephone support for all tax and accounting inquiries. This signature service is tailored for clients ready to supercharge their bookkeeping systems, ensuring robust processes and efficiency. With expert tax preparation, proactive tax planning, and the assurance of unlimited audit representation, Business Partner Plus is the ultimate choice for those aiming to elevate their business to new heights. Partner with us for an exceptional level of support and guidance on your path to success.
We believe your business deserves more
Our Core Values...
Providing small businesses with the education, tools and support to achieve their goals and vision
Encouraging adaptability and persistence, both in our own business practices and supporting our clients' businesses
Placing the needs and peace of mind of clients at the forefront of decision-making and service delivery
Holistic Approach
We recognize the interconnectivity of business, personal lives, and community impact and emphasize comprehensive solutions
Leveraging technology-based solutions and strategic insight to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of our services.
Positive Impact
Striving to make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of clients, employees, and the wider community
Expressing steadfast dedication to our clients' success, we serve as devoted financial allies
Upholding high ethical standards and transparency in all interactions, building trust with clients and stakeholders
Continuous Improvement
A commitment to ongoing learning and improvement ensuring that our services evolve in alignment with the needs of small businesses
Get Started with Bayside Accounting
Start by filling out our application, this gives us an idea of how we can best serve you and what offer is best for you.
Our staff will reach out to you for further connection and communication. You'll be added into our clientel and we'll work closely getting everything in place.
We are here for you long-term. Ready to serve your accounting and financial needs!